The Nervous System controls every function and process of your body, including every cell, affecting your total health. If the nervous system is interfered with, then dysfunction will occur in the body causing symptoms and chronic conditions to manifest over time. The upper cervical region (upper neck) is a unique area of the spine and is the site where nerve interference can occur.

The upper cervical spine includes:

  • the most unstable part of your spine, most prone to injury
  • a close relation to the Brain Stem, which controls many vital body functions
  • densely packed area of nerve transmitters (mechanoreceptors), greater than any other area in the entire body

A misalignment in this region will cause nerve interference. The worst part is…
you cannot feel it occurring.

“All body systems would be immobilized without the nervous system. It controls and regulates every bodily activity down to the workings of the tiniest cell.”
– World Book Encyclopedia of Science